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تعداد بازدید : 135347
تعداد نوشته ها : 27
تعداد نظرات : 8
طراح قالب

رمز های بازی the sims 3 :

برای وارد کردن رمز ها ابتدا داخل بازی کلید های < CTRL + SHIFT + C> را میزنیم.
بعد کدهای زیر را وارد میکنیم.
برای نمایش رمز ها در بازی هم میتوانید Help را تایپ کنید.

فارسی :


1000 تا پول: Kaching
50000 تا پول: Motherlode
وسایل هر جاگذاشته شوند در هنگام خرید یا ساخت: moveObjects [on or off]
نمایش کار و یونیفرم ها: unlockOutfits [on or off
بازگشت سیم (کاراکتر) مورد نظر به امن ترین و بهترین حالت در خانه: resetSim [first name][last name]
ساخت آسانسور طبقاتی: constrainFloorElevation [true or false]
جک تصادفی در کنسول: jokePlease
اسلوموشین (تصویر آهسته): slowMotionViz [0-8]
نمایش تقلب های فعال شده: testingCheatsenabled [true or false]
تمام صفحه: fullscreen [on or off]
بازیها و سرگرمی های خانوادگی: familyFunds [x][y]
خرید بدون محدودیت زمین: freerealestate

انگلیسی :


Add 1,000 More Simoleons
Sims 3 Cheat code: Kaching
Note: This code will simply add 1,000 Simoleons.
Add 50,000 More Simoleons
Sims 3 Cheat code: Motherlode
Note: This code will simply add 50,000 Simoleons.
Add Family Funds
Sims 3 Cheat code: familyfunds [Familyname] #
Note: The use of this code, with the family name as the modifyer and an amount as a variable, will add the given number of funds to the Sim family.
Enable Testing Cheats
Sims 3 Cheat code: testingCheatsEnabled [true or false]
Note: When this code is set to true the game essentially goes into debug mode. When this cheat is active you can modify needs, lock needs, shift-click the mailbox to change careers and more.
No Limitations on Moving Objects
Sims 3 Cheat code: moveObjects [on or off]
Note: This code allows you to move objects that are normally stationary.
View Career Outfits And Service Uniforms
Sims 3 Cheat code: unlockOutfits [on or off]
Note: This cheat code must be entered before you go into create a sim mode.
Display Cheats
Sims 3 Cheat code: help
Note: This code simply displays a list of cheat codes that can be used in the game.
Return Sims To Safe And Nuetral State At Home
Sims 3 Cheat code: resetSim [first name] [last name]
Note: This code will return the Sim that you name within the code to a safe and nuetral state at home.
Allow Terrain Adjustments
Sims 3 Cheat code: constrainFloorElevation [true or false]
Note: The normal setting for this is true. If you enter this code with the false variable then you will be able to raise or lower the floor, even if there are walls, flooring, and other objects attached to it.
Objects Will Not Snap To Slots While Holding Alt
Sims 3 Cheat code: disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt [on or off]
Note: When this code is set to on objects will not snap to slots while holding the Alt key.
Objects Fade When Camera Gets Close To Them
Sims 3 Cheat code: fadeObjects [on or off]
Note: The use of this code, either on or off determines if objects will fade as the camera gets close to them. This does not affect Sims.
Show or Hide Talk and Thought Balloons Above Sim’s Head
Sims 3 Cheat code: hideHeadlineEffects [on or off]
Note: When set to off you will not see the talk or thought bubbles above Sim’s heads.
Print Random Joke To Console
Sims 3 Cheat code: jokePlease
Note: Typing in this code will simply display a random joke within the cheat console.
Slow Motion Visuals
Sims 3 Cheat code: slowMotionViz [0-8] (0 is normal, 8 is slowest)
Note: Use of this code with a setting greater than zero will slow down the visuals within the game. This does not affect the in game time.
Full Screen Mode
Sims 3 Cheat code: fullscreen [on or off]
Note: The use of this code simply determines if The Sims 3 should run in fullscreen mode or not.
Frames Per Second Display
Sims 3 Cheat code: fps
Note: The use of this code will display the framerate that the game is running in the top right of the screen.
Quit The Game
Sims 3 Cheat code: quit
Note: Use of this code will simply exit The Sims 3 video game.
Enable Llamas
Sims 3 Cheat code: enablellamas [on or off]
Note: Almost certain that this code does nothing to the game

دسته ها :
1389/4/22 16:7